Take Back Retirement


Episode 09

New Year’s Money Resolutions

New Year’s Money Resolutions

A common topic for this time of year is New Year’s Resolutions. From what we’ve seen, a lot of people’s New Year’s Resolutions often involve money, and the stuff regarding our finances that we know we should do and feels simple. But it never really is easy, is it?

The sad thing is, it’s not so much the resolutions themselves that are hard, but keeping our mindset on track to follow through with them as the months go by. It’s easy to say, “Starting January 1, I’m going to spend less money.” You might be able to fight against that first shiny object, and maybe even the second and third one. But eventually, as it happens, life catches up and we let our temptations get the best of us.

One great way to start gaining a sense of control around your spending is to do an analysis of your credit card statements and find out which “holes” you need to plug. Don’t begin with a prescribed budget or a spending regimen—simply find out how you’re spending your money.

Then control the flow. Almost done with a car payment? Plan to redirect that money in the future to your savings to avoid wasted funds down the road. Control your environment as well. For example, clean out your email inbox and unsubscribe from sale alerts; or set up a new email entirely dedicated to communications involving said sales and offers.

When it comes to eliminating debt, start small and don’t make things too rigid. Don’t underestimate the psychology of small wins. For this (and any money-related resolutions, for that matter), it helps to give yourself visual goal posts or even an accountability partner as you pay down your debts. You’re more likely to stay motivated if you can see your progress in real time

Please listen and share with your friends who are in the same situation!

Key Topics

  • The typical half-life of New Year’s Resolutions (1:16)
  • “Personal finance is more personal than it is finance.” (4:33)
  • Make strong decisions around where you want your money to flow (7:58)
  • Set up your environment for success (9:37)
  • Paying down debt (11:28)
  • What’s different now that you’re going to actually accomplish this resolution? (17:19)
  • Why are you avoiding what you know you ought to do? (20:20)
  • Making sure your financial advisor is the right fit for you (22:05)
  • Happy New Year! (25:07)

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